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Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Żebrowski, Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie:Monografia porusza istotne kwestie związane z działalnością sił i służb specjalnych w ujęciu historycznym, co w oparciu o odtajnione materiały służb wskazanych państw nie naruszają obowiązujących przepisów prawa.Prof. dr hab. inż. Marian Kozub, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach:Jest to pierwsza publikacja, w której tak szeroko wykorzystano dokumenty źródłowe z archiwów amerykańskich służb wywiadowczych. Opracowanie to może stanowić cenną pomoc szkoleniowo-dydaktyczną w procesie szkolenia specjalistycznego, jak i kształcenia w uczelniach wyższych, ale może być również wartościowym materiałem dla osób zainteresowanych działalnością sił i służb specjalnych w strategicznym środowisku bezpieczeństwa.
Przeczytaj fragment
Generał brygady Wojska Polskiego w st. spocz., profesor Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie. Doktor nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie nauki o bezpieczeństwie. Absolwent studiów podyplomowych w Narodowym Uniwersytecie Obrony w Waszyngtonie. W swojej służbie wojskowej dowodził Komponentem Wojsk Specjalnych, Jednostką Wojskową GROM, 6. Batalionem Powietrznodesantowym, a także był Szefem Szkolenia 6. Brygady Powietrznodesantowej. Uczestniczył w misjach stabilizacyjnych w Bośni i Hercegowinie oraz Iraku.
Ppłk w st. spocz., adiunkt w Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie. Doktor nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości. Oficer Żandarmerii Wojskowej, Wywiadu i Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego. Uczestnik misji stabilizacyjnych (NATO, EU) gdzie pełnił funkcje - Current Intelligence & LO, HUMINT Collection Coordination Cell Officer, Chief CJ2X - Joint Combat Staff for Counterintelligence and HUMINT Operations.
Spis treści:Wykaz skrótówWstępCzęść I. Użycie alianckich sił specjalnych w czasie operacji „Overlord” (czerwiec–wrzesień 1944)Klęska Francji i nowa strategia wojenna aliantówMaquis – francuski ruch oporuNabór i szkolenie zespołów JedburghOśrodek treningowy Milton HallOgólne założenia i przebieg operacji „Overlord”Użycie Brygady SAS w czasie lądowania w NormandiiJedburghowie na francuskiej ziemiAmerykańskie Grupy Operacyjne Biura Służb Strategicznych w operacji „Overlord”Rangersi na Pointe du HocDowodzenie siłami specjalnymi w operacji „Overlord”ZakończenieCzęść II. Wykorzystanie ruchów nacjonalistycznych w operacjach wywiadowczych na przykładzie współpracy instytucji wywiadowczych Stanów Zjednoczonych z organizacjami ukraińskimi po II wojnie światowej – wybrane elementyUkraiński ruch oporu w kraju i za granicąEmigracja ukraińska bezpośrednio po II wojnie światowejNacjonaliści ukraińscy i amerykańskie służby wywiadowczeTajne operacje – kontynuacjaProjekt PrologTransmisje radioweQRDYNAMIC, PDDYNAMIC, QRPLUMBKontrowersje wokół projektu AERODYNAMIC – walka CIA o zapewnienie tajności operacjiZmierzch Prologu ZakończenieBibliografiaSpis rysunków
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Government, Reference: The Problem of British Activities Among Ukrainians and Other National Minority Grups (16 May 1951), 17 May 1951, [dostęp: 12.12.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), SUBJECT: Salary of Zsolt Aradi, 5 December 1944, [dostęp: 29.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), SUBJECT: Zsolt Aradi. 1 November 1946, [dostęp: 29.08.2023].247 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Personalities and Activities of Ukrainian Resistance, 20 June 1950, [dostęp: 4.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), WE-391 SUBJECT: BELLADONNA Operation, 27 December 1947, [dostęp: 29.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), HSC/OPS/60 SUBJECT: CAPELIN – New Agent of SC Munich, 3 June 1947, [dostęp: 29.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Operational Memorandum SUBJECT: Operation Belladonna Suplement, 27 Decem-ber 1947, [dostęp: 29.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MGE-391 Operation Belledonna, 27 December 1947, [dostęp: 29.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), QRDYNAMIC – New York, N.Y. and Munich, Germany – Support of ZP/UHVR (Zakor-donne Predstavnytstvo Ukrainskoyi Holovnoyi Vyzvolnoyi Rady – Foreign Representa-tion of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council), 5 kwietnia 1973, [dostęp: 30.08.2023]. Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting with QRPLUMB Principals on Termination Plan, 17 May 1990, [dostęp: 10.10.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Information ADS0 (3.4), COPS (5), ORD (6), 18 May 1949, [dostęp: 4.03.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Commissioner for Immigration and Naturalization Department of Justice Washing-ton 25 D.C., 20 June 1949, [dostęp: 4.03.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE COMMISSIONER OF IMMIGRATION AND NATWLIZA-TION SUBJECT: Mykola LEBED, 31 January 1950, [dostęp: 1.02.2023]. 248 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), HSC/OPS/9 Operation Trident: Progress Report 1, 21 January 1947, [dostęp: 30.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), SUBJECT: Project [nieczytelne], 8 September 1947, [dostęp: 27.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), HSC/OPS/60 SUBJECT: CAPELIN – New Agent of SC Munich, 3 June 1947, [dostęp: 30.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), HSC/OPS/9 Operation Trident: Progress Report 1, 21 January 1947, [dostęp: 30.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Operation TRIDENT SC Munich, 15 June 1947, [dostęp: 27.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA--FOIA), Planning of the “LYNX Projekt” (Report No.1), 11 September 1946, [dostęp: 6.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), HSC/OPS 026 Developments in the TRIDENT Project, 21 February 1947, [dostęp: 7.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), ANNUAL REPORT FOR FY 1988, June 28, 1988, [dostęp: 6.01.2024]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Operation TRIDENT SC Munich, 15 June 1947, [dostęp: 27.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MSC/RIR/434 SUBJECT z OUR and UHVR Leaders in Austria, 6 February 1947, [dostęp: 30.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), HSC/OPS/9 SUBJECT: Operation Trident: Progress Report 1, 21 January 1947, [dostęp: 30.08.2023].249 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Operational Memorandum HSC /OPS /38 TRIDENT Project – UPA courier, 11 April 1947, [dostęp: 6.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), REFERENCE: MSC/OPS/028 SUBJECT: Work Method of the Soviet Party Appara-tus in Western Ukraine, 13 January 1947, [dostęp: 30.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MGM. 13 (MSC– 477) Notes on MGB and MVD in Salosetski Rayon, Oblast Tarnopol Ukrainian SSR, 11 July 1947, [dostęp: 7.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MSC/RIR//440 Andrei MATKOVSKI and Andrei KVITKA, 14 March 1947, [dostęp: 6.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), REPORT NO.: M5C476 SUBJECT: Notes on MGB Ukrainian SSR and MGB USSR, 7 July 1947, [dostęp: 7.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MGR-1155 Agents of the Soviet Repatriation Mission in Austria, Bavaria, and the Bri-tish Zone, 22 April 1947, [dostęp: 7.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MSC/RIR/429 SLAVKO Resident MGB Agent in Munich, 17 February 1947, [dostęp: 6.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), CAPANEUS SC Munich, 15 June 1947, [dostęp: 7.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), HSC/OPS/61 Dr, Yaroslav MOROZ SLAVKO, 4 June 1947, [dostęp: 7.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), REPORT NO. MGH1100 SUBJECT: SLAVKO and the MGB, [dostęp: 7.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MSC/RIR/450 (MGH4155), 16 October 1947, [dostęp: 7.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MSC/RIR/435 Division in Ukrainian Circles in Austria, 26 February 1947, [dostęp: 6.08.2023]. 250 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Operations SUBJECT: FY-85 Approval of Operational Activity QRDYNAMIC,16 January 1985, [dostęp: 6.01.2024].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), REPORT NO. MSC/RIR/436 SUBJECT: FEDYNSKI, Member of OUN, 26 February 1947 r, [dostęp: 30.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), CAPANEUS SC MUNICH 15 June 1947, [dostęp: 27.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), REPORT NO MSC/RIR/440 UBJECT: Andrei MATKOVSKI and Andrei KVITKA, 14 March 1947, [dostęp: 30.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MSC/RIR/423 Dr Georg KOSSENKO “KOLOSOV”, 11 January 1947, [dostęp: 30.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), REPORT NO. MSC/RIR/439 SUBJECT: Julius REVAY, [dostęp: 11.05.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MGM-A-793, Project ICON: Postwar Ukrainian Exile Organizations in Western Europe, 20 October 1948, [dostęp: 11.05.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), REPORT NO. MSC/RIR/463 SUBJECT: Liquidation of Lt. Andrei PECHARA, 3 June 1947, [dostęp: 30.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), K.C. Ruffner, a Controversial Liaison Relationship.American Intelligence and the Gehlen Organization, 1945-49– (S), Studies in Intelligence, 1997, [dostęp: 11.05.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Security Information, Subject: AERODYNAMIC Ops. Vs. BANDERA-JAVELIN, 25 August 1953, [dostęp: 1.09.2023]. 251 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA--FOIA), REDSOX/Operational/AERODYNAMIC, 9 January 1952, [dostęp: 2.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), G. Landner Jr, U.S. Used Ex-Nazis Against. Soviets, Hill Told GAO Says at Leag 5 Informants Obtained Agencies’ Aid in Immigrating Here, Washington Post, 29 June 1985, [dostęp: 20.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Memorandum for the Record, Subject: Potential Impact of GAO Investigation on QRDY-NAMICS, 9 August, 1985, [dostęp: 1.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Memorandun for the Record, Subject: Potential Impact of GAO Investigation on QRPOOL, 15 August 1985, [dostęp: 1.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Memorandum for the Record, subject: Interrogation of QRPLUMB/2, 16 October 1985, [dostęp: 2.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), The Problem of British Activities Among Ukrainians and Other National Minority Gro-ups, 16 May 1951, [dostęp: 6.01.2024].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Operations, FROM: David D. Gries Chief, Political and Psychological Staff SUBJECT: OSI Investigation with Potential for Com -promise of QRPLUMB Operation, 21 October, 1985, [dostęp: 3.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Office of Legislative Liaison, THROUGH: Deputy Director for Operations, SUBJECT: GAO Report with Potential for.Compromise of QRPLUMB Operation, 7 October 1985, [dostęp: 2.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA--FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD, SUBJECT: Journalist Inquiries into QRPLUMB Instrumentality, 4 December 1985, [dostęp: 10.10.2023].252 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), RE: MYKOLA LEBED, Date: 15 January 1986, [dostęp: 5.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Operations:FROM: David D. Gries Chief, Political & Psychological Staff, SUBJECT: Potential Threat of Exposure to Major Covert Action Instrumentality, Ref: Memoranda Attached: Description of QRPLUMB,5 December 1985, [dostęp: 10.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Proprietary Review SUBJECT: Options for QRPLUMB Ter-mination, 21 March 1990, [dostęp: 16.09.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: (…) Chairperson, Proprietary Review Board SUBJECT: Plans for QRPLUMB Termination, 30 April 1990, [dostęp: 16.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND RELEASE, [dostęp: 10.10.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Associate Deputy Director for Operations FROM: C– Chief, Operations and Resource Management Staff SUBJECT: Approval of OPACT QRPLUMB for FY 1991, 26 September 1990, [dostęp: 10.10.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), SPOT REPORT SUBJECT: Former Ukrainian Covert Action Publication Makes a Successful Transition, 1 June 1992, [dostęp: 10.10.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Our Relations with the Ukraininan Nationalists and the Crisis Over Bandera, [dostęp: 6.10.2023]. 253 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA) MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Operations, From Acting Chief, Political and Psychological Staff, SUBJECT: Recent Press Allegations Regarding QRPLUMB, REFERENCE: DD/0-85-2133, 18 February 1986, [dostęp: 6.01.2024].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Memorandum for: Deputy Director, Plans SUBJECT: Ukrainian Position Papier, 23 April 1951, [dostęp: 05.10.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Chief of Station Karlsruhe to Chief, FBM, Project ICON, MGM-A-793, October 20, 1948, [dostęp: 11.05.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), The Utilization of Members of the Ukrainian Underground Who Live Legally, 19 July 1951, [dostęp: 12.06.2003]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Chief of Station Karlsruhe to Chief, FBM, Project ICON, MGM-A-793, October 20, 1948, [dostęp: 11.05.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Operations, FROM: Acting Chief, Poli-tical and Psychological Staff SUBJECT: New P ublic IRquiries Reurding_QRPLUMB REFERENCE: DD/O-86-0384, 24 Feb 1986, [dostęp: 5.01.2024].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MGM-A-642 Monthly Progress Report – CAPNELIN, 4 August, 1948, [dostęp: 30.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MGMA 262 Agent Service Records, 9 December 1947, [dostęp: 7.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Contact Report, 29 January 1954, [dostęp: 21.08.2023].254 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Contact Report, SUBJECT: Operational Meeting with AECASSOWARIES 2 and 15, 11 March 1954, [dostęp: 20.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Utilization of Refugees from the Soviet Union in U.S. National Interest, za: K.C. Ruff-ner, Cold War Allies: The Origins of CIA’s Relationship with Ukrainian Nationalists (s), html [dostęp: 11.05.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), TAB B, a SYNOPSIS OF QRPLUMB OPERATIONS 1946–DATE, [dostęp: 11.05.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), K.C. Ruffner, Eagle and Swastika: CIA and Nazi War Criminals and Collaborators (U), History Staff, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC, April 2003, [dostęp: 2.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Memorandum for Project PBCRUET – AERODYNAMIC, [dostęp: 2.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Outline plan for project 2B – 37. Code Name PBCRUET, [dostęp: 2.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Memorandum for Chief of Foreign Intelligence, Subject: An Evaluation of the Aero-dynamic Project, 22 June 1955, [dostęp: 8.12.2022].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Security Information MGAA– 594, SUBJECT: GENERAL– REDSOX/AERODYNAMIC, Specific -– Transmittal of Progress Report for AERODYNAMIC Project, 15 April 1952, [dostęp: 22.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Information on Carthages 12 and 13 and The Two Other Agent Recruits Proposed for March-April Mission”, 25 February 1952, [dostęp: 22.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), EGMA-577, August 1952 Dispatch of Carthage 12 and 13 to the West Ukraine, 23 Sep-tember 1952, [dostęp: 22.08.2023].255 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA) EGMA – 9443 SUBJECT: GENERAL—REDSOX/AERODYNAMIC/Operational, 18 January 1954, [dostęp: 23.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Memorandum for: Chief, Foreign Intelligence, SUBJECT: Project AERODYNAMIC (Renewal), 14 December 1954, [dostęp: 23.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), EGMA-577, August 1952 Dispatch of Carthage 12 and 13 to the West Ukraine, 23 Sep-tember 1952, [dostęp: 22.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Security Information, Report on meetings with CASSOWARY 2 and 15, 9 Novem-ber 1953, [dostęp: 18.05.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Security Information, EGMA – 8955, Subject General: REDSOX / Operational, Spe-cyfic: AERODYNAMIC Operational Progress Report, 7 December 1953, [dostęp: 10.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: CSR SUBJECT: SR Ukrainian Operations, 21 July 1954, [dostęp: 14.11.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant Deputy Director for Plans VIA: MPS/BG/CA SUB-JECT Project AERODYNAMIC REFERENCE: Memorandum for Record, dated 14 February 1968, from MPS/BG/CA, 12 June 1968, [dostęp: 2.12.2022].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), NOTIFICATION OF PROJECT APPROVAL 22 SEP 1958, Fiscal Year 1959, AUG 5353, PP/PRD/PP, 29 September 1958, [dostęp: 4.12.2022].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Questionarie, 30 June 1957, [dostęp: 6.10.2023].256 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Study on British Relations with Ukrainian Nationalists The Crisis over BANDERA Apendix A, 16 March 1954, [dostęp: 25.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), PDDYNAMIC EVOLUTION, [dostęp: 25.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Summary of Decisions Reached During London Meeting, 23–26 April 1951, [dostęp: 4.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD FROM: PPS/SEO/SIB, SUBJECT: Update on Mykola Lebed’s Situation, 25 March 1986, [dostęp: 4.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), To the Editor The New York Times 229 West 43 Street New York; NY 10036, 2 April 1986, [dostęp: 6.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), NUMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Operations FROM: Acting Chief, Political and Psychological Staff SUBJECT: Update on Mykola Lebeci’s Situation REF: DD/0-86-0444, 10 April 1986, [dostęp: 5.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Operations FROM: Chief, Political and Psy-chological Staff SUBJECT: Department of Justice Investigation of QRPLUMB/2, 6 Janu-ary 1987, [dostęp: 6.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Political and Psychological Staff SUBJECT: Report of Audit of Operational Activity QRPLUMB 1 January 1987 – 31 December 1988, 12 Sep-tember 1989, [dostęp: 12.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA--FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Political Propaganda Staff SUBJECT: U.S. Subscribers to QRPLUMB, 16 February 1990, [dostęp: 20.09.2023]. 257 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting with OGC and PCS Reps on English Language Publications, 11 October 1989, [dostęp: 20.09.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Subscription Lists for QRPLUMB English Language Publications, 20 December 1989, [dostęp: 18.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Political Propaganda Staff SUBJECT: U.S. Subscribers to QRPLUMB Publications, 16 February 1990, [dostęp: 17.09.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORAN0UM FOR Director of Central Intelligence Political, SUBJECT: Propa-ganda and Intelligence Project Targeted Against the Soviet Ukraine, 4 December 1968, [dostęp: 28.092023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), PDDYNAMIC EVOLUTION, [dostęp: 16.05.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), DD/P Project Approval Sheet. Amendmend to Project AERODYNAMIC, 18 Decem-ber 1953, [dostęp: 28.08.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA) Contact Report, SUBJECT: Contact with CASSOWARIES 4 and 15, 1 February 1954, [dostęp: 10.08.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Memorandum to: Safehouse Procurement Office Subject: Request for Procurement of safehouse for Aerodynamic Project, 23 March 1954, [dostęp: 6.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA--FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: SR/CPP SUBJECT Comments on Ukrainian Bro-adcasting Policy Paper by CASSOWARIE 2, 15 January 1954, [dostęp: 1.10.2023].258 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), SUBJECT: Meeting with AECASSOWARY 2 and AECASSOWARY15, [dostęp: 1.10.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD: SUBJECT: Contact Report – Meeting with AECASSOWARY 2, 4 and 15, 15 May 1955, [dostęp: 1.10.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD – Contact Report SUBJECT: Meeting with AECASSOWARY 2 on 11 August 1955, 26 August 1955, [dostęp: 9.12.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Project AERODYNAMIC COMMUNICATIONS ANNEX Renewal, 4 August 1958, [dostęp: 29.12.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), SUBJECT: Meeting with ACCESSOWARY 2 and the Psychological Warfare Panel in New York, 5 October 1955, [dostęp: 8.07.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Monthly Raport of Project AERODYNAMIC for the period 1–30 April 1958, 9 May 1958, [dostęp: 6.12.2022]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Monthly Status Report Project AERODYNAMIC, 10 February 1959, [dostęp: 30.09.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), PP PROJECT ACTION SHEET Request for Project Renewal, 9 February 1960, [dostęp: 30.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Memorandum for SR/ACOP SUBJECT: REDWOOD AERODYNAMIC – Proposed Political Action, 13 March 1956, [dostęp: 20.11.2023]. 259 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Project Status Report, AERODYNAMIC, Reporting Period: 15 August – 15 September 1956, [dostęp: 20.09.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUMFOR: SR/COP/PP, SUBJECT: Reduction of AERODYNAMIC Budget, 29 April 1957, 093.pdf [dostęp: 5.12.2022]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Contact With AECASSOWARY-2, 16 October 1957, [dostęp: 30.09.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJEC: Contact With AECASSOWARY-2 at Prolog Offices on 18 and 19 November 1957, 25 November 1957, [dostęp: 30.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), PROJECT AERODYNAMIC, 25 March 1959, [dostęp: 10.12.2022]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD, 5 March 1960, [dostęp: 19.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting with AECASSOWARIES/2, 15 and 29 in New York on 15 June 1960, 21 June 1960, [dostęp: 19.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORDSUBJECT: Meeting With AECASSOWARIES/2 and 15, 3 June 1960, [dostęp: 19.09.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Renewal of Project AERODYNAMIC approved in the amount of. (…) FY 1969, 1September 1968, [dostęp 19.06.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Renewal of Project AERODYNAMIC approved in the amount of (…) FY 1969, 11 September 1958, [dostęp: 18.09.2023]. 260 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), QUESTIONS, 28 June 1961, [dostęp: 19.09.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD: SUBJECT: Meeting With AECASSOWARIES/2 and 15, 3 June 1960, [dostęp: 19.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA--FOIA), ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET, January 1968, [dostęp: 18.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Associate Deputy Director for Operations SUBJECT: Request for Renewal of SE Division’s CA Program, Annex B, 19 July 1976, [dostęp: 20.09.2023]. Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Memorandum for the Record SUBJECT: Proposed retirement of PDDYNAMIC/2 (Mykola Lebed), 19 February 1975, [dostęp: 19.03.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Memorandum for the Record SUBJECT: Retirement of Mykola Lebed, 24 March 1975, [dostęp: 20.03.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), Project Action QRDYNAMIC Covert Action Staff, 5 April 1973, [dostęp: 20.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Covert Action Staff SUBJECT: CA Project QRDYNA -MIC FY 1973, 13 July 1972, [dostęp: 20.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), CA PEG Project Evaluation, 7 May 1971, [dostęp: 21.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), CA/PEG PROJECT DATA SHEET, 22 May 1973, [dostęp: 21.09.2023].261 Bibliografia do części IICentral Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), PDDYNAMIC EVOLUTION, [dostęp: 21.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR EPDS/COMPT/MRB SUBJECT: SE Division OP ACTs PDDY-NAMIC and PDPORTAL, 26 September 1977, [dostęp: 23.09.2023].Central Intelligence Agency – Freedom of Information Act Electronic Archive (CIA-FOIA), MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Operations Deputy Director for Admi-nistration SUBJECT: Liquidation Plan for DDO Operational Activity PDDYNAMIC, 31 August 1978, [dostęp: 23.09.2023]. 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