This book is the product of a research project titled “International competitiveness of Polish companies in the periods of prosperity and the global economic crisis” (no. UMO-2012/07/B/ HS4/03050), funded by a grant from Poland’s National Science Centre. The main reason for exploring this research matter was to contribute to the debate over the impact of the global economic crisis on companies’ international competitiveness, especially in Poland, which is often perceived as a country that dealt ..
The book shows how political and economic cooperation between China and Latin America varied in recent years and what is its forecast. An in-depth analysis of trends and areas of mutual relations was to answer the question: why is Latin America such a strong partner for Beijing? Particular attention was paid to the China's investment expansion in the LatAm region whose significanse is exceendingly symbolic. Illustrated algorithm of Chinese foreign direct investment shows that investors from Chin..
Innowacje są kluczowe dla rozwoju przedsiębiorstw. W żywotnym interesie przedsiębiorstw jest ich implementacja. Książka dostarcza obszerny przegląd literatury dotyczącej innowacji i literatury dotyczącej wartości przedsiębiorstwa. Dostarcza model obrazujący zależność pomiędzy innowacjami i wartością rynkową. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wskazuje na jakie obszary zwracać uwagę zarządzając innowacjami tak aby zwiększać wartość przedsiębiorstwa. Rozważania prowadzone są na przykładzie przeds..
An excerpt from the review of Professor Remigiusz Kozłowski:Electronic freight exchanges deserve special attention among electronic systems managing the activity of transport companies. Electronic freight exchanges have revolutionized the transport sector by facilitating and increasing efficiency of the road transport fleet. Electronic freight exchanges, aside from the economic and technological aspects, also significantly improved the protection of natural environment thanks to limiting empty r..
This book analyses changes in the global economy related to the increase in theimportance of knowledge resources that have taken place in recent decades. The author explains how these changes affect contemporary companies, especially those operating in many countries. He shows opportunities and challenges that are created by the current economy, which is often called a knowledge-based economy. Drawing on theoretical and empirical research the author tries to answer the question how companies inv..
Management of a company includes many concerns, for example: area of processes, company’s resources – material, immaterial, human resources, knowledge, intellectual capital, quality, strategies of competition and often in changeable environment actions of restructuring. These issues were described in the following monograph. The monograph discusses contemporary problems of company management. The authors focused on problems which are important in daily practice of companies. Many topics discuss..
This book is a substantive culmination of the works in the innovative testing project titled ‘With the matrix to innovative entrepreneurship’. It was planned as a methodological work in its structure along with the contents addressed to the students a nd scientific employees of universities (to some extent), to the entrepreneurs who wish to extend th eir knowledge in the area of innovation management, innovation in marketing and marketing i nnovation. The book takes into consideration not only t..
This book, presenting the findings of a research project financed by the National Science Centre of Poland (grant DEC-2012/07/N/HS4/00283), is an answer to two essential trends which have been observed in international business for some time, and are increasingly raising the attention of managers, policy-makers and researchers. The first issue is related to the relationship between the international expansion of firms and its economic results. Existing studies have not provided conclusive evid..
The aim of work was an analysis some of the new solutions and constructs proposed in the draft of Book one of the civil code. the chapters devoted to different topics analyze the following problems: electronic form as a special form of a declaration of will; incapacitation, the concept of legal capacity, including the problem of the so-called (imperfect, statutory) legal persons without full legal capacity; definition of a consumer; regulation of good faith; defects in declarations of will; mari..
The book provides an overview of the different concepts and scenarios of events resulting from the globalized world, technological revolutions, changes in management paradigms and ways of managing companies and organizations.
Chapters of current book are connected with mentioned problems from the theoretical and practical point of view, and especially describe the following areas: Globalization and Challenges Civilizations Face in the Post-Global Approach; Global Powers: Theory, History and P..
The book is the result of a research project funded by a grant from Poland’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The name of the project was “The influence of Poland’s accession to the euro zone on the international competitiveness and internationalisation of Polish companies” (N N115 257136). The project was carried out in 2009-2010 by a research team consisting of Marian Gorynia (project leader); Barbara Jankowska, Maciej Pietrzykowski, Piotr Tarka and Marlena Dzikowska.
The main reas..
Advances in intelligent methods have significantly modified the business organization of enterprises and the way they do business. The efficient management of the new form of business needs new tools. Therefore, this book presents an optimization method with genetic algorithms for operating decision making in supply networks. This book focuses on both the theory and applications of genetic algorithms for planning and scheduling in supply networks and is divided into two parts.
Part I presents..
The title of the monograph “EMU – an Incomplete Project?” can be interpreted in two ways. The first interpretation suggests that monetary integration should be complemented with fiscal and banking union and with the advancement of the political union. Such approach dominates currently in the literature as well as in the opinions presented by the eurozone authorities and by the governments of the major Member States. Institutional development and accelerated process of competence transfer f..
The reviewed book contains a discussion on the sources of barriers in management in a cross-cultural environment. It also includes a presentation of chosen aspects of organisational behaviours that are of vital importance from the angle of a possible occurrence of cultural differences. These issues are undoubtedly practical and reflect evidence of cultural differences existing in the business reality. Choosing the right and proper problems for the discussion in the book must have been a very ser..
The present book refers to, and in a way is an extension of previous book Studia nad transformacją i internacjonalizacją gospodarki polskiej (Studies on the transformation and internationalization of the Polish economy), published in the year 2007 which recorded 20 years of cooperation with the journal EKONOMISTA. It contained articles published by author or together with colleagues in Polish in this periodical during the years 1988-2007. The book besides transition problems investigated as well..