Literatura obcojęzyczna

Crowdfunding. Research & Practice

Crowdfunding. Research & Practice

The advent of crowdfunding is linked to the changes that transpired in the economy after 2008 triggered by the financial crisis and the very rapid progress in the digitalization of the economy across the globe. The financial crisis compelled businesses to look for new methods of funding, and digitalization and the development of the internet created an opportunity to source funding from the community (natural persons and businesses) formed by the crowdfunding platforms in operation. Even tho..

58,50 zł 65,00 zł Netto: 55,71 zł
The war in Ukraine and international security

The war in Ukraine and international security

The monograph deals with current, important, and essential issues, considering that the world has entered a new era in global security, where authoritarian powers are openly contesting core principles of international security and are seeking to re-write the world’s order on which peace and prosperity depend. It is possible to formulate the assumption that the monograph is a reference to an important problem area – changing/new paradigm of the security environment. The idea behin..

63,00 zł 70,00 zł Netto: 60,00 zł
The profession of a family assistant in Poland

The profession of a family assistant in Poland

In Poland, the family assistant is appointed to perform family assistance and foster care work. The key responsibilities of the family assistant include helping parents to suitably fulfil their care and educational functions and enhancing family members' skills in finding solutions to everyday challenges. The monograph presents a historical outline of family assistantships in Poland and the current state of implementation of this service. The formal and legal foundations of the work of a fa..

40,50 zł 45,00 zł Netto: 38,57 zł
Accounting reporting and auditing. Meeting the needs of the information preparers and users

Accounting reporting and auditing. Meeting the needs of the information preparers and users

Accounting is constantly evolving as a business vernacular. In general, it spans an extensive array of topics ranging from financial statements and audits to non-financial disclosures and accounting education. The scope of topics covered by accounting changes with the environment thereby contributing to its development. Concepts like integrated reporting, Key Audit Matters (KAMs), generation Z and e-learning were not so popular several years ago. The future will see the advent of new issues, ide..

62,10 zł 69,00 zł Netto: 59,14 zł
The Russian Federation and International Security

The Russian Federation and International Security

The book identifies the key activities that the Russian Federation is conducting on the international scene in order to achieve its own political goals and their consequences for security. It presents how Russia, using various instruments of impact, influences the formation of international relations. It identifies the implications of the hybrid war with the West and the economic impact on international security...

54,00 zł 60,00 zł Netto: 51,43 zł
From Entrepreneurship to Innovation. Selected legal and economic aspects

From Entrepreneurship to Innovation. Selected legal and economic aspects

Does the law create borders for the development of entrepreneurship? How did the legal instruments evolve after 1989, during the thirty years of experience of the shaping of the Polish economy - during the political and economic breakthrough of our country? Has is created and now create conditions for an efficient mechanism for financing innovative activity? What attitudes and conditions are setting today, and maybe they should set the future of the economy and the enterprises operating ..

45,00 zł 50,00 zł Netto: 42,86 zł
Legal and Social Aspects of Cybersecurity

Legal and Social Aspects of Cybersecurity

This monograph will attempt to answer the question how legal, technological and social aspects of cybersecurity are shaped in the perspective of the activities of various bodies and commissions of the European Union and national government administration. From the point of view of the topic taken up, it is also important to identify new threats posed by the criminal environment in cyberspace. International researchers on various cybersecurity problems cooperating with each other in variou..

67,50 zł 75,00 zł Netto: 64,29 zł
European Union. Ten Years after the Lisbon Treaty

European Union. Ten Years after the Lisbon Treaty

Książka poświęcona jest prezentacji funkcjonowania Unii Europejskiej w 10 lat po wejściu w życie Traktatu  Lizbońskiego. Przedmiotem rozważań są w szczególności zmiany instytucjonalne wprowadzone Traktatem Lizbońskim, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Rady Europejskiej. Ponadto autorzy analizują zapisu Traktatu Lizbońskiego pod względem możliwości przeciwdziałania kryzysowi w strefie euro. Oceniono również wpływ realizowanego modelu państwa dobrobytu na efektywność niwelowania różnic w poziomie..

40,50 zł 45,00 zł Netto: 38,57 zł
Aktualne zagadnienia prawa handlowego i kwestii społecznych. Current issues of commercial law and social affairs

Aktualne zagadnienia prawa handlowego i kwestii społecznych. Current issues of commercial law and social affairs

Książka stanowi zbiór artykułów powstałych w ramach długoletniej już współpracy między SWPS Uniwersytetem Humanistycznospołecznym i badaczami z Hiszpanii i Włoch. Wyniki badań naukowych przedstawiane są na dorocznych konferencjach międzynarodowych, w których uczestniczą również studenci. Badania prowadzone w roku 2018 i 2019 dotyczyły aktualnych problemów prawa handlowego zarówno krajowych, jak i europejskich, a także pewnych problemów społecznych regulowanych przez prawo i niekiedy tylko luźno ..

72,00 zł 80,00 zł Netto: 68,57 zł
Capacity Building in Higher Education Institutions

Capacity Building in Higher Education Institutions

Contemporary Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are organizations, which are shaping future generations of world inhabitants. The management of these institutions (and especially universities) is an extremely current and important issue, especially from the point of view of the goals set for these organizations. It is no longer enough to administer HEI, there is also a need for a well-set vision of their functioning and strategic goals tailored to it, considering the resources available to HEI...

71,10 zł 79,00 zł Netto: 67,71 zł
Roles of business leaders of modern enterprises. Women and men in business

Roles of business leaders of modern enterprises. Women and men in business

Książka jest zbiorem najnowszej wiedzy dotyczącej inteligencji emocjonalnej liderów współczesnych przedsiębiorstw zarówno publicznych jak i prywatnych. Szczególną rolę w niej nadano relacjom pracodawca - mężczyzna (lider), pracodawca - kobieta (lider). Odnosi się to zarówno do warstwy zarządczej jak i finansowej oraz kształtowania współczesnego rynku pracy...

44,10 zł 49,00 zł Netto: 42,00 zł
Organisational structure in the process of integration on the example of iron and steel industry Enterprises in Poland

Organisational structure in the process of integration on the example of iron and steel industry Enterprises in Poland

Najważniejszym przesłanie książki jest zaprezentowanie czytelnikowi (badaczom) procesu reorganizacji polskiego przemysłu hutniczego w kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju przyjaznego człowiekowi i środowisku. Dużą wartością poznawczą jest fakt, iż poszczególne jej fragmenty przez lata sprawdzała (weryfikowała) praktyka gospodarcza...

21,00 zł 42,00 zł Netto: 20,00 zł
SME in Poland and Ukraine. Prospect for future and functioning conditions

SME in Poland and Ukraine. Prospect for future and functioning conditions

The monograph was taken about the conditions of the functioning and development of small and medium-sized companies in Poland and Ukraine. There is considerable disparity between the development of this segment of companies in both countries. Presented are different views on these conditions, both from the perspective of enterpreneurs Polish and Ukrainian. They are formulated various recommendations on how to stimulate the development of SMEs in both countries. The book is a joint work of employ..

63,00 zł 70,00 zł Netto: 60,00 zł
International competitiveness of polish companies during and after the global economic crisis

International competitiveness of polish companies during and after the global economic crisis

This book is the product of a research project titled “International competitiveness of Polish companies in the periods of prosperity and the global economic crisis” (no. UMO-2012/07/B/ HS4/03050), funded by a grant from Poland’s National Science Centre. The main reason for exploring this research matter was to contribute to the debate over the impact of the global economic crisis on companies’ international competitiveness, especially in Poland, which is often perceived as a country that dealt ..

63,00 zł 70,00 zł Netto: 60,00 zł
Expansion of China in Latin America. Exploring the grounds and nature of investments relations

Expansion of China in Latin America. Exploring the grounds and nature of investments relations

The book shows how political and economic cooperation between China and Latin America varied in recent years and what is its forecast. An in-depth analysis of trends and areas of mutual relations was to answer the question: why is Latin America such a strong partner for Beijing? Particular attention was paid to the China's investment expansion in the LatAm region whose significanse is exceendingly symbolic. Illustrated algorithm of Chinese foreign direct investment shows that investors from Chin..

49,50 zł 55,00 zł Netto: 47,14 zł
Innovation and market value. The case of tourism enterprises

Innovation and market value. The case of tourism enterprises

Innowacje są kluczowe dla rozwoju przedsiębiorstw. W żywotnym interesie przedsiębiorstw jest ich implementacja. Książka dostarcza obszerny przegląd literatury dotyczącej innowacji i literatury dotyczącej wartości przedsiębiorstwa. Dostarcza model obrazujący zależność pomiędzy innowacjami i wartością rynkową. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wskazuje na jakie obszary zwracać uwagę zarządzając innowacjami tak aby zwiększać wartość przedsiębiorstwa. Rozważania prowadzone są na przykładzie przeds..

62,10 zł 69,00 zł Netto: 59,14 zł
Electronic Freight Exchanges in Poland

Electronic Freight Exchanges in Poland

An excerpt from the review of Professor Remigiusz Kozłowski:Electronic freight exchanges deserve special attention among electronic systems managing the activity of transport companies. Electronic freight exchanges have revolutionized the transport sector by facilitating and increasing efficiency of the road transport fleet. Electronic freight exchanges, aside from the economic and technological aspects, also significantly improved the protection of natural environment thanks to limiting empty r..

54,00 zł 60,00 zł Netto: 51,43 zł
The companys international competitive advantage. The role of knowledge

The companys international competitive advantage. The role of knowledge

This book analyses changes in the global economy related to the increase in theimportance of knowledge resources that have taken place in recent decades. The author explains how these changes affect contemporary companies, especially those operating in many countries. He shows opportunities and challenges that are created by the current economy, which is often called a knowledge-based economy. Drawing on theoretical and empirical research the author tries to answer the question how companies inv..

36,00 zł 40,00 zł Netto: 34,29 zł
Management of Enterprise in the 21st Century

Management of Enterprise in the 21st Century

Management of a company includes many concerns, for example: area of processes, company’s resources – material, immaterial, human resources, knowledge, intellectual capital, quality, strategies of competition and often in changeable environment actions of restructuring. These issues were described in the following monograph. The monograph  discusses contemporary problems of company management. The authors focused on problems which are important in daily practice of companies. Many topics discuss..

43,20 zł 48,00 zł Netto: 41,14 zł
Research methodology of innovative behaviour

Research methodology of innovative behaviour

This book is a substantive culmination of the works in the innovative testing project titled ‘With the matrix to innovative entrepreneurship’. It was planned as a methodological work in its structure along with the contents addressed to the students a nd scientific employees of universities (to some extent), to the entrepreneurs who wish to extend th eir knowledge in the area of innovation management, innovation in marketing and marketing i nnovation. The book takes into consideration not only t..

36,00 zł 40,00 zł Netto: 34,29 zł
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