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An excerpt from the review of Professor Remigiusz Kozłowski:Electronic freight exchanges deserve special attention among electronic systems managing the activity of transport companies. Electronic freight exchanges have revolutionized the transport sector by facilitating and increasing efficiency of the road transport fleet. Electronic freight exchanges, aside from the economic and technological aspects, also significantly improved the protection of natural environment thanks to limiting empty runs and increasing transport capacity.Global market growth has created new demand on specialists in transport logistics. This book offers the necessary know-how about the modern solutions applied in today’s transport and forwarding enterprises for those studying at the logistics or transport faculties. Undoubtedly, this work will also be of interest to the professionals working in these sectors, illustrating the impact of electronic freight exchanges on other processes occurring in the economy.
Podmiot odpowiedzialny za bezpieczeństwo produktu: Difin sp z o.o., ul. F. Kostrzewskiego 1, 00-768 Warszawa (PL), adres e-mail:, tel (22) 851 45 61
doktor habilitowany, którego zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się wokół zagadnień związanych z wykorzystaniem systemów elektronicznych w działalności marketingowej i logistycznej firm. W swych rozważaniach szczególną uwagę zwraca na tworzenie strategii dla działalności firm opartych o koncepcję organizacji wirtualnych.
doktor nauk o zarządzaniu w umiejętny sposób łączący działalność naukową z praktycznym prowadzeniem biznesu. Interesuje się szczególnie badaniem i rozwiązywaniem problemów związanych z zwiększeniem efektywności transportu w działalności logistycznej.
Table of Contents:
Chapter I. Electronic freight exchanges as institutions regulating logistics processes
1. Freight exchanges as institutions of the global market2. How did freight exchanges improve the efficiency of economic processes?3. Electronic freight exchanges as the main working tool of freight forwarders4. The influence of electronic freight exchanges on the development of cabotage services5. Competition among electronic freight exchanges to gain a position on the transport services market6. Freight exchanges as a reflection of the upcoming changes in the business climate
Chapter II. New value generated on electronic freight exchanges
1. Users’ expectations towards electronic freight exchange2. How can freight exchanges help eliminate the risk of running a business?3. New value for the users of logistics channels4. Electronic freight exchanges as a source of business information5. The environmental impact of electronic freight exchanges6. Electronic freight exchanges as viewed by Emaus International Company
Chapter III. The legal implications of concluding transactions on electronic freight exchanges
1. International conventions and contracts applied in road haulage2. Legal bases and documentation involved in concluding transport transactions2.1. Transport Law2.2. Contract of carriage (transportation order)2.3. Freight forwarding contract (freight forwarding order)2.4. OPWS (Polish General Forwarding Rules)2.5. Road transport insurance2.6. Consignment note3. Standards applied in the road transport3.1. Procedural standards in concluding exchange transactions3.2. Standards concerning the means of transport
Chapter IV. Transactional procedures applied to electronic freight exchanges
1. Authorization steps for a new user of an electronic freight exchange2. The procedure of searching for a load3. Finding the best carrier for the order4. The procedure of contacting a tenderer5. Verifying the credibility of a principal6. Verifying the credibility of a carrier and a freight forwarder7. Transaction confirmation8. Procedures of concluding a transaction outside the exchange (based on exchange information)9. Retrieving outstanding debts for transport (with the assistance of the exchange)
Chapter V. Tele-information technologies used on electronic freight exchanges and their support in managing transport
1. E-tendering platforms that streamline long-term transport contracts2. Exchange messenger as a service lowering business expenses3. Archiving freight transactions (sales/purchases)4. Modules of electronic maps that support fleet management5. How to evaluate the risk of concluding transactions via electronic freight exchanges6. Remote monitoring of the order status
Chapter VI. Threats and protection systems of Internet technologies on electronic freight exchanges
1. The Internet as a source of threats for a company2. Determining risks from the point of view of a company3. How to manage and measure risk?4. Techniques that pose a threat to safety on the Internet5. Safety systems of business operations conducted on electronic freight exchanges5.1. On-line safety measures5.2. How to search for information about computer network safety?5.3. Technical devices that ensure safety5.3.1. Firewalls5.3.2. Proxy servers5.4. Procedural and organizational solutions that will ensure the safety of business operations on the Internet5.5. Intrusion detection systems and maintaining file integrity
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