• From Entrepreneurship to Innovation. Selected legal and economic aspects

From Entrepreneurship to Innovation. Selected legal and economic aspects

  • Autor: Gardocka-Jałowiec Anna Mróz Teresa Wierzbicka Katarzyna
  • Wydawca: Difin
  • ISBN: 978-83-8085-389-8
  • Data wydania: 2020
  • Liczba stron/format: 146/B5
  • Oprawa: miękka

Cena detaliczna

50,00 zł

45,00 zł

Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 45,00 zł

10% taniej

Darmowa dostawa od 200 zł

Wysyłka w ciągu 24h

Dostępność: Duża ilość w magazynie

Does the law create borders for the development of entrepreneurship? How did the legal instruments evolve after 1989, during the thirty years of experience of the shaping of the Polish economy - during the political and economic breakthrough of our country? Has is created and now create conditions for an efficient mechanism for financing innovative activity? What attitudes and conditions are setting today, and maybe they should set the future of the economy and the enterprises operating in it? These are just a few of the many questions that the authors answer. They boldly identify and analyze the conditions for the development of entrepreneurship. They refer to issues not only recognized by science but also by all of us. They present threads that they consider to be crucial from the point of view of further harmonious development of the economic sphere integrally coherent with the sphere of formal institutions (legal sphere), mediation between people. They inspire to act because they recognize that the identified conditions of entrepreneurship and the process of creating innovation, although similar to gravitational force (they are ubiquitous, predictable), are not as strong as it may seem.

Podmiot odpowiedzialny za bezpieczeństwo produktu: Difin sp z o.o., ul. F. Kostrzewskiego 1, 00-768 Warszawa (PL), adres e-mail: info@difin.pl, tel (22) 851 45 61

Autor książki

Gardocka-Jałowiec Anna

Mróz Teresa

Wierzbicka Katarzyna

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