Crowdfunding. Research & Practice
- Autor: Michał Bańka Piotr Boulangé Maria Kukurba Sławomir Miklaszewicz Artur A. Trzebiński Aneta Waszkiewicz
- Wydawca: Difin
- ISBN: 978-83-8270-164-7
- Data wydania: 2022
- Liczba stron/format: 136/B5
- Oprawa: miękka
Cena detaliczna
65.00 zł
58.50 zł
- Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 58.50 zł
- Darmowa dostawa od 200 zł
- Wysyłka w ciągu 24h
10% taniej
Artur Trzebiński
10 Years of Equity Crowdfunding in Poland
1. Introduction
2. Equity Crowdfunding – the Platforms
3. Equity Crowdfunding – the Issuers (Project Owners)
4. Exit Strategies by Crowdfunding Investors
5. Conclusion
6. References
Aneta Ewa Waszkiewicz, Maria Kukurba
Crowdfunding as an answer to the needs of the SME sector during the pandemic
1. Introduction
2. Review of Literature
3. Methodology of the research
4. Results of the research
4.1. Alternative finance – crowdfunding and the crowdinvestment and non-investment CF sub-segments
4.2. CF broken down by business model – Poland vs. the European market
4.3. CF equity market in Poland
4.4. Beesfund: analysis
5. Summar
Michał Bańka
Crowdfunding and funding sources for startups in corporate acceleration programs
1. Introduction
2. Review of Literature
3. Results of the research
3.1. Funding sources for startups at the time of forming a company
3.2. Funding sources for startups when participating in acceleration programs
3.3. A startup’s usage of funding sources and development stage (MVP, Growth, Scale up)
3.4. Startups’ usage of funding sources and their success in pursuing a proof of concept in collaboration with a corporation
3.5. Length of time of a startup’s operation on the market and funding from given sources
3.6. Number of persons employed by a startup and funding from given sources
3.7. Usage of funding sources and the presence of foreigners in a startup’s management board
4. Summary and conclusions
Piotr Boulangé, Michał Bańka
How Participants of Share Economy Use Elements of Crowd Economy, such as coworking, crowdfunding and crowdsourcing
1. Introduction
2. Review of Literature
3. Research Method
4. Results of the research
5. Summary of the results
6. Conclusions
7. References
Sławomir Miklaszewicz
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Finance Digitalization in Poland
1. Introduction
2. Assessment methodology of economy and finance digitalization intensity
3. Poland in digital performance reports
3.1. Human capital
3.2. Connectivity
3.3. Integration of digital technology
3.4. Digital public services
3.5. FinTech in Poland
4. Innovation Drivers in the Fintech sector
5. Effects of the accelerated FinTech development at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic
6. Conclusion
Dr hab. Jarosław Korpysa, prof. US:
The authors have depicted the essence of crowdfunding in the context of economic
interdependencies that bind the entities participating in community-based funding.
They have depicted the procedures employed to arrange financial means to carry out
business projects. The proposed research topic constitutes a significant impulse in
popularizing alternative sources of funding projects.
Dr hab. Bartosz Jóźwik, prof. KUL:
This monograph examines a highly interesting and important research topic from a
practical standpoint. It is noteworthy that the entire monograph has been prepared
on the basis of a review of the literature present in the milestone papers written by
Polish and foreign authors. By applying various research methods the authors have
managed to articulate very interesting conclusions representing very important
added value in the scope of their research.
Michał Bańka
Doktor nauk ekonomicznych z zakresu zarządzania Politechniki Warszawskiej (2008 r.). Dyrektor Departamentu Wsparcia Instytucji Otoczenia Biznesu, PARP.
Z funduszami europejskimi związany od 2004 r. Od 2008 r. Zastępca Dyrektora, a następnie Dyrektor Departamentu Wsparcia Instytucji Otoczenia Biznesu w Polskiej Agencji Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości. Odpowiada za rozwój rynku early stage w zakresie wspierania rozwoju ekosystemu start-upowego, w szczególności funduszy kapitałowych, zalążkowych, akceleratorów, inkubatorów przedsiębiorczości, technologicznych oraz rynku sieci aniołów biznesu.
Pomysłodawca oraz zarządzający Funduszem Pożyczkowym Wspierania Innowacji dedykowanego mikro bądź małym przedsiębiorstwom z udziałem aniołów biznesu, funduszy podwyższonego ryzyka typu venture capital.
Piotr Boulangé Director at Founder Institute Warsaw, and a Coworking Expert. ex-WeWork Labs Manager, ex-Bolt. Impact and Purpose Driven Startups' Mentor, Advisor, Investor. A sociologist by birth and Education, I finished an Executive MBA, in Quality Process Management, and writes Ph.D. on the benefits of working in the Coworking spaces.
Maria Kukurba dr, Instytut Organizacji Systemów Produkcyjnych Politechniki Warszawskiej, zastępca dyrektora ds. dydaktycznych.
Sławomir Miklaszewicz dr, adiunkt, Katedra Finansów Międzynarodowych SGH w Warszawie.
Artur A. Trzebiński doktor nauk ekonomicznych w dziedzinie finanse, adiunkt w Katedrze Bankowości Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu.
Aneta Waszkiewicz Prodziekan w Kolegium Gospodarki Światowej SGH w Warszawie.