A Transnational Strategy for Social Innovation in the Integration of Non-EU Nationals
- Autor: Monika Klein
- Wydawca: Difin
- ISBN: 978-83-8270-090-9
- Data wydania: 2022
- Liczba stron/format: 126/B5
- Oprawa: miękka
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50,00 zł
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This book contains a description of feasible ideas for integration of non-EU nationals with EU nationals with specific emphasis on the 9 rural areas identified in the ARRIVAL REGIONS Project. This Strategy has been written for the Arrival Regions Project carried out as a part of the “European Territorial Cooperation Program – Interreg VB Central Europe 2014-2020” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. Since this publication is based on a description of issues related to the specifics of social innovations implementation and a series of practical case studies, this publication can be a significant help on many levels in supporting migrants in joining the life of the EU community.
The authors therefore hope that this book intended for a wide audience, representatives of local authorities, entrepreneurs and representatives of organizations supporting business as well as science representatives will be an interesting and inspiring publication.
PhD Magdalena Majchrzak, prof. of Warsaw University of Technology:
The publication is highly valuable. This is evidenced not only by the description and charac-
teristics of examples of migrants’ entrepreneurship from several European countries, but
also by the focus on social innovations. Another feature is a holistic and universal approach
to creating the foundations of a strategy for integrating migrants into socio-economic life.
Autor książki
Monika KleinTable of contents:
Chapter 1. Migration and demographic change in partner countries
1.1. Acculturation process
1.2. A portrait of non-EU nationals living in EU
1.3. Potential for integration of non-EU nationals in the context of opportunities for development of rural area
1.4. Building of intercultural competences
1.5. Smart approach to development of rural areas through social innovations
1.6. Challenge from the European labour market
1.7. A scenario for a win-win solution
Chapter 2. Local practices for integration
2.1. Arrival Region project catalogue of good practices
2.2. A case study of implementation of a unique socially innovative solution
2.3. A case study of implementation of an already existing solution in the new social context
Chapter 3. Aspects promoting integration of non-EU nationals and aspects inhibiting this process
Chapter 4. Recommendations
4.1. Creating welcoming culture in the regions
4.2. Development of skills and completeness among migrant population
4.3. Fostering Economic Prosperity
4.4. Policy recommendations
Chapter 5. Transnational tools
Tool 1: Language learning
Tool 2: Legal counselling
Tool 3: Contact points
Tool 4: Plan and organise the arrival
Tool 5: Encourage intergenerational multicultural learning
Tool 6: Navigating bureaucracy
Tool 7: Involvement of locals in the integration process
Tool 8: Support of one’s personal development
Tool 9: Empowerment of local stakeholders and networks
Chapter 6. Joint training concept
6.1. Context and methodological guidelines
6.2. Workshops specific objectives
6.3. Common values
6.4. Organization of the workshop
6.5. Requirements and Regulations
6.6. Workshop agenda examples
Appendix 1 – Arrival Regions Participant Feedback Form
Appendix 2 – Arrival Regions Workshop Report
Appendix 3 – Mentoring Report
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